© Pond Security Service GmbH
Protection and Explosives Detection Dog Teams
Four-legged reinforcement for Pond Security Service's security teams: our protection and explosives detection dogs.
Ausgebildete und zertifizierte Schutz- und Sprengstoffspürhunde-Teams gemäß der behördlichen Erlaubnis nach § 11 Abs. 1 Nr. 6 Tierschutzgesetz, bilden die zuverlässige vierbeinige Verstärkung für die Sicherheitskräfte der Pond Security Service. Unsere Sprengstoffspürhunde-Teams sind auf alle gängigen gewerblichen und militärischen Sprengstoffe, Selbstlaborate, Waffen und Munition sowie auf handhabungsunsichere Sprengstoffe – beispielsweise TATP oder HMTD – konditioniert. Sie sind vom Luftfahrtbundesamt zugelassen und kontrollieren auch sperrige Frachtgüter zuverlässig auf versteckte Sprengstoffe. Hier können wir Folgendes anbieten:
- Guarding buildings and grounds with guard dogs
- Indoor and outdoor patrols with guard dog
- Access control with explosives detection dog
- Cargo screening with explosives detection dog
Our animal sniffer noses will find any explosive.
Pond Security Service has two certified explosives detection dog teams following successful testing by the German Federal Aviation Authority (LBA).
With the approval of the German Federal Office of Civil Aeronautics, Pond Security Service has expanded its range of services in the area of air cargo handling in an important sector, after the company had already gained many years of experience in another segment with the use of explosives detection dogs. In addition to the use of x-ray machines and other screening methods, air cargo shippers, forwarders, airlines and express air cargo companies can now have bulky cargo screened more flexibly and quickly using explosive detection dogs.
Complex training for human-dog teams.
Before being trained as an Explosives Detection Dog, dogs must have very good play and prey instincts, as well as good social behavior.
Only dogs that are at least 12 months old and have a very good play and prey drive, good social behavior, good health and motor skills are trained as explosives detection dogs. The breed of the dog is irrelevant. What is important is that the dog has qualities such as strong nerves, assertiveness, self-confidence and resilience. The extensive training for the dog and its handler includes knowledge of explosives, the Explosives Act and other legal principles, as well as self-protection and all the necessary actions to be taken in the event of a find.
Human-dog teams provide added security.
Our explosives detection dogs are generally trained to detect all common commercial and military explosives, homemade explosives, weapons and ammunition, as well as explosives that are unsafe to handle such as TATP or HMTD.
Pond Security besitzt zudem die behördliche Erlaubnis gemäß § 11 Abs. 1 Nr. 6 Tierschutzgesetz zur Ausbildung und zum Einsatz von Schutz- und Sprengstoffspürhunde. Diese Erlaubnis bestätigt, dass unsere Ausbildungsmethoden und Haltungsbedingungen höchsten tierschutzrechtlichen Standards entsprechen und regelmäßig überprüft werden. Mit diesem zusätzlichen Qualitätsmerkmal gewährleisten wir, dass unsere speziell ausgebildeten Hunde nicht nur optimal für ihre Aufgaben vorbereitet sind, sondern auch stets im Sinne des Tierschutzes behandelt werden.
© Pond Security Service GmbH
Send us your request for Protection and Explosives Detection Dog Teams:
Your advantages
- State-of-the-art communications technology
- Camera and Screening Systems
- Service-oriented staff
- Explosives Detection Dog Teams
- Road and Parking Lot Monitoring
Pond Security Service GmbH
Rückinger Straße 12
63526 Erlensee
Telephone: + 49 (0) 61 83 / 806 - 0
Telefax: + 49 (0) 61 83 / 806 – 400
E-Mail: info@pond-security.com
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